Industrial Products

Bundaberg Sugar’s industrial clients make up an impressive who’s who of Australian food manufacturers.

Companies such as Coca-Cola, Golden Circle, Parmalat and Fosters all know the importance that quality ingredients play in maintaining market leadership for their brands – and they settle for nothing less.

This demand for the best extends beyond the quality of ingredients. Equally important are the availability and reliability of supply. Once again, Bundaberg Sugar’s Quality Assurance certification is testimony to our ability to provide our clients with the best service available.

Our Quality Assurance program doesn’t mean we can’t be flexible. Our experienced sales personnel recognise that each company has its own specific needs and will work with you to design the package that suits you best.

Products available include:

  • White Manufacturer’s Sugar
  • White Graded Sugar
  • White Caster Sugar
  • White Bottlers Sugar
  • Liquid Sugar
  • Soft Brown Sugar
  • Golden Syrup
  • D.C. Raw Sugar
  • Icing Mixture
  • Pure Icing Sugar
  • Refinery Molasses
  • Treacle

Packaging options available include:

  • 25kg Multi Wall Paper Sacks
  • 1250kg Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers
  • Tanker Loads – Bulk Deliveries
  • 292kg drum (syrup)
  • 14kg Polycubes (syrup)
  • 1500kg Pallecons (syrup)