Product Specifications

Bundaberg Manufacturers Sugar is an ungraded refined cane sugar which contains a range of crystal sizes.

Manufacturers Sugar is suitable in applications where variable crystal size will not affect the final product’s quality. It is useful in the manufacture of fondants and liquids.

Manufacturers Sugar is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack. To avoid caking, store in a cool, dry environment with minimal temperature variations.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualUniform white free flowing crystalline sugar, free from discolouration or apparent extraneous matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and odourTaste & smellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
SucroseCalculate% w/w min.99.8599.94
ColourICUMSAICUMSA units max.5025
Reducing SugarsICUMSA% w/w max.0.040.01
AshPT 11% w/w max.0.030.01
Loss on DryingPT 16% w/w max.0.080.03
Particulate SedimentPT 19mg/kg max.50.4

Bundaberg Graded Sugar is refined cane sugar graded to provide a uniform crystal size.

Graded Sugar has a uniform crystal size which enhances product texture and consistency. Grading reduces variations in bulk density, therefore assisting processes using volumetric additions to achieve repeatable dosages.

Graded Sugar is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack. To avoid caking store in a cool, dry environment with minimal temperature variations.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualUniform white free flowing crystalline sugar, free from discolouration or apparent extraneous matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and OdourTaste & smellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
SucroseCalculate% w/w min.99.8599.94
ColourICUMSAICUMSA units max.5025
Reducing SugarsICUMSA% w/w max.0.040.01
AshPT 11% w/w max.0.030.01
Loss on DryingPT 16% w/w max.0.080.03
Particulate SedimentPT 19mg/kg max.50.4
Crystal SizePT 18 % max caught on 850 micron screen + passing 300 micron screen.258

Bundaberg Caster Sugar is refined cane sugar graded to provide a small, uniform crystal size.

Caster Sugar dissolves readily and mixes consistently with other fine granular or powdered ingredients. It is suitable for specialty applications such as baking, powdered drink bases and coatings.

Caster Sugar is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack. To avoid caking, store in a cool, dry environment with minimal temperature variations

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualFine uniform crystalline white solid, free from apparent extraneous matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
SucroseCalculate% w/w min.99.8599.94
ColourICUMSAICUMSA units max.6030
Reducing SugarsICUMSA% w/w max.0.040.01
AshPT 11% w/w max.0.030.01
Loss on DryingPT 16% w/w max.0.080.03
Particulate SedimentPT 19mg/kg max.50.7
Crystal SizePT 18% max caught on 600 micron screen.10.1

Bundaberg Bottlers Sugar is a refined cane sugar with a low colour which meets specified microbial levels.

Bottlers Sugar is suitable for use in aerated beverages and fondants.

Bottlers Sugar is not readily prone to insect or bacterial attack. To avoid caking store in a cool, dry environment with minimal temperature variations.

CriteriaMethodDescriptionSpecificationTypical Value
AppearanceVisualCrystalline white solid, free from apparent extraneous matter.Must complyComplies
Taste and OdourTaste and SmellFree from abnormal taste and aromas.Must complyComplies
SucroseCalculate% w/w min.99.999.94
ColourICUMSAICUMSA units max.3315
Reducing SugarsICUMSA% w/w max.0.020.01
AshPT 11% w/w max.0.030.01
Loss on DryingPT 16% w/w max.0.050.03
Particulate SedimentPT 19mg/kg max.20.6
Total MesophilesPT 7counts/10 gram max.20030
YeastPT 7counts/10 gram max.100